To add a new location in Roker Enforcement, first sign in then navigate to Settings > Locations.
Note: You will need to have Primary Administrator access.
Name: shown to patrol officers in patrol app and admins
Tax Section: This will be printed on Bixolon-only violations
Group: which group this location is assigned to. (add link "how to create a group")
Restrict violations: don't actually put this in... it needs to be removed haha
LPR tire chalking: this is too advanced for this article so send them directly to the "how to set up/configure tire chalking" page
Enable Plate Confirm: basically what it says; patrol officers issuing a violation will always be required to confirm the plate number
Grace Period: this effectively extends an expired permit or parking session on the patrol app. Officers can see it's expired. It will show as expired but will remain viewable on the patrol app for the x number of minutes entered after expiry