Creating your Customer Facing Payment Page

Creating your Customer Facing Payment Page


This article will provide both a step by step written and video guide on how to create your customer facing payment page.

View a step-by-step video guide here:

Step 1:
Navigate to Settings Company > Payment Configuration (see below).

Step 2:

Select "edit" and fill out the following information on the payment page: 

Company Short Name
The Company Short Name
 will be appended to the end of the Roker URL and will make up the URL that you provide to your customers

The text or slogan displayed at the top of the payment page. 

The description is a personalized paragraph or two that you can put together to help explain the process, explain your company, or to give more information. 

Alternate term for "Violation"
Violation is the term we use throughout Roker, but if you would like to change the term on the payment page to something your company is more comfortable using with visitors, you can change it here. You may enter more than one word. 

Footer URL
The footer URL is a webpage URL that visitors will be taken to, should they click your logo at the bottom of the page. Leave blank if you do not want a URL attached to the logo. 

Contact phone number and email address will all be displayed on the payment page and provide an avenue for your customers to contact you in case of difficulty.

You can preview the payment page by clicking the URL link. 

Once you are happy with your payment page you can provide the URL to your customers so that they can make online payments.


How customers make a payment

Customers are asked to enter the Invoice # and the License Plate #. Both are required fields.

Click Verify Violation. Any violations issued to the license plate entered will be displayed.

Customers will be asked to enter billing information.

Click Pay

The customer will receive a verification that the payment was successful. If the email address was provided, a copy of the receipt will be emailed to the customer.

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