How to Issue Violations
This article will provide patrollers with a step by step guide on how to issue validations.
1. Scan plate.
2. Review the plate, and select "Issue violation"
Note: You can view active sessions at different locations by clicking the dropdown menu to view more information.
3. Under 'Vehicle", Fill out the blank portions - ex. plate expiry month/year, vehicle make, color. Click "next".
4. Under "Location", confirm the location, and add any location details (optional).
Note: "Near" or "update address" uses GPS to capture the nearest address for Offstreet locations.
5. Under "Violation", select the violation (ex. expired receipt). You may also add comments, or private notes (optional), and upload any photos.
Note: The first uploaded photo will be printed on the ticket, for those using Bixolon printers (Not Zebra).
6. Click "Preview".
7. A preview will load for your final review.
Click "submit and print'.
Note: If a violation is being issued for an active permit license plate, you will be prompted with the below message to ensure you are aware of any existing permit.
8. A print confirmation will pop up to confirm the ticket has successfully printed. You will then have the option to print again, or print later.
Violation History
If you would like to view your violation history in the patrol app, you can go to settings > Violation History.