Manual Validations

Manual Validations

Part 1: Processing without payment

The parker information can be processed with or without payment. 

To process a validation without payment, enter the required information (below) and then click the Process and Record Without Payment button. To process a record with payment, do not hit the Process and Record Without Payment button; instead, go to part 2 below. 

The parking validation will be available in the Mobile Application after the license plate has been searched

Notes: The "Start Time At Location" uses your computers' current time. For creating validations starting in the future, simply edit to your desired time in the field. 


Part 2: Processing with payment

To process a validation with payment, enter the information from above and include the billing details (below). 

Under Billing Address, some of these fields may be marked as required. This means that information needs to be entered here in order to process the payment. 

Email: The email entered in this field will be sent the payment receipt. If the parker does not want to submit an email, we recommend you enter in an alternate email (such as your support email) just to be sent the receipt as they may ask for it at a later date. 

Then, click the Submi

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