Offline Mode

Offline Mode

Offline mode is a great tool to use in situations where cell service is poor. When you're using your device to run searches or issue violations in a low-service area - such as an underground parking lot - the app can run slowly as it drops service and continuously attempts to reconnect to the servers. 

Enabling Offline Mode takes the app completely offline, letting the patroller issue violations without the lag times that low-service areas can cause. 

Offline Mode is also turned on automatically to prevent issues when your device cannot find a network signal. 

How to enable Offline Mode

Step 1: Open the Roker Patrol app and log in
Step 2: Select a location. 
Step 3: Once the location has loaded, the data is automatically cached. You should see a brief notice at the bottom letting you know it was successful. 

Step 4: Go into Offline Mode (found under Settings in the Patrol app). If you leave the enforcement screen to issue a violation, the data will continue to be cached unless you select a different location while online. Note: if you do not go into Offline mode and you start patrolling in an area with poor cell reception, the app will bump you into Offline mode automatically after attempting to reach the server five (5) times. 


Step 5: We recommend that you go online every 10-15 minutes, turn off Offline mode and refresh the data on the location to get all of the latest registrations. Then, follow steps 2-5 again. 

Step 6: After you have finished patrolling and are back in cell reception, pull down on the screen or hit the refresh button to go back online.  The app will now sync the violations you submitted to the server. You can confirm they were all sent by going to Violations History on the front page. 

Tire Chalking

This is a process where patrollers marks a parked vehicle to track how long it has been parked in a particular spot. In the search bar at the top, enter in the license plate number. There may be 2 scenarios: 

  1. A blue, green, yellow or red pops up with the plate info: this means there is currently an active session and there is no need to create a chalking session. 
  2. A box with a "Submit Digital Chalking" button pops up.

If you're prompted to submit a digital chalking, go ahead and do so. There are two outcomes; if the plate has not been previously chalking within the reset time, you'll be left on the location results screen and can continue to enforce. If you are taken to the License Plate Details screen and there is no data for that location under the Permit Parking or Active Parking Sessions boxes, this plate was previously chalked, is still within the reset time and can be issued a violation.

For more information on tire chalking, click here.
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