Add A Facility

Add A Facility


In this article you will find a step-by-step guide on how to add a new facility. 

Note: Prior to adding a facility, you must first add a location. You can do that by following the steps here.

Step 1: Login to Roker Admin Portal.

Step 2: On the top right corner, click on the yellow "settings" icon (highlighted in GREEN) and then select "add parking tour" from the drop down bar.

Step 3: Add the location name, parking type, zone number, and type of permit. You may also select if you'd like to add overflow parking. Then select "next" at the bottom right corner.

Text Field Legend:
Name: The Name of the Location
Parking Type: You can choose from the dropdown bar whether it is on street or off street parking
Zone Number: An area at the facility. You can also apply permits to specific zones.
Type of Permit: The type of permit within that facility. EX. Employee, or Guest.
Do you want to add overflow parking: This would be flicked to the right if you'd like to add additional lots for overflow parkers if the main lot gets full.

Step 4: Add the accepted vehicle license plate types, and what type of vehicles are accepted. 

Step 4 - Continued: Scroll to the bottom of the page to select the location of the new parking facility, and then select "next" at the bottom right corner.

Step 5: Under permit duration & permits you can add the pricing detail, select dates it will be effective, and if you'd like to configure this location to other existing location(s):

Note: In this section you can update the operating hours and pricing, and also apply a cancellation policy.

Step 6: At the bottom right corner, "submit" the new location information.

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