Step 1: Login to the Roker Portal.
Step 2: Select "Enforcement" and search the violation you'd like to revise.
Step 3: Once you have selected the violation, select "Actions" .
Under Actions, you can make changes such as:
Void - This will void/cancel the violation.
Reverse Void - This will reverse if a ticket has been voided.
PD Pay Violation - This marks the ticket as "paid", however this will not process a payment/update your payment system. You will need to go in to the payment system your business uses to actually process a monetary amount/receive payment.
SS - Add Structured Settlement - You may add a structured settlement here. Information can be found here. AR Archive Violation - This archive's the violation
Reverse Archive - This will reverse the archive
Edit Owed Amount - Edit what is owed for the ticket. EX. If it currently is a $50 ticket, you can change it to only owe $35.
TW Mark for Towing - This will mark the vehicle plate for towing, and will show on the Roker Patrol app.
TW Remove Tow Check - This will remove a tow flag from the plate.
In the middle column, there are various manual actions that can be completed such as issuing collection letters, and sending to appeal/court.